Welcome to the DelphAI component information center: an Artificial Intelligence component for Delphi, made entirely in Delphi!
Here we have an explanation of the component and how to install it, as well as a little about the developer.
If you don't have knowledge of artificial intelligence models, EasyAI is a great module for you.
Predicts a value based on input data.
Categorizes input data into predefined classes.
Recommendation for item
Suggests relevant items based on the similarities between items.
Recommendation for user
Suggests relevant items based on user preferences.
If you want custom models, use AISelector to easily test multiple models and choose the best one for you.
Allows testing multiple models with different parameters in a single function.
Predicts a value based on input data.
Categorizes input data into predefined classes.
Suggests relevant items based on the similarities between items or based on user preferences.
Organizes data into groups with similar characteristics, without predefined labels.
To see an example of each functionality of this component, open the 'DelphAIExamples' project from the github repository.
Last updated